Asked Questions

Welcome to the One Terawatt peak FAQ section! Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our platform and services. Whether you are a newcomer or already have experience with us, we have compiled the most important information for you. Browse the questions and answers below to find helpful insights. If you have a question that is not addressed in this FAQ, feel free to contact us. Our customer support team is ready to assist you. We hope this resource helps you make the most of your One Terawatt peak experience.

General Questions

What data do we use?

Our calculations are based on high resoluted 3D-pointclouds. The pointclouds are made from laserscanning data or aerial images. The pointclouds are combined with official cadastral datasets and other open data sources.

Is the API able to handle greater volumes?

Definitely, our API is built to also handle high peaks of for example tv or radio campaigns. We have proven this already multiple times.

For which target group is the solar data from the API suitable?

The solar data can be used in a variety of ways. For example, the data is suitable for companies that want to build an online solar salesforce or improve their existing sales strategy, but do not want to use out-of-the-box tools, but want to build their own customized application.

Also data suppliers or IT service providers from the renewable energy sector who want to extend their own applications with valid solar data will find the best data with the connection to our API. Many users of us are energy supply companies or data and IT service providers.

How is the solar potential calculated?

The solar data we calculate is based on three-dimensional surface models. Common 3D-pointcloud data can be automatically converted into a 3D model, using software developed by us specifically for this purpose.

It can be further processed together with the data from real estate maps. A 3D surface model is then generated from the laserscan data and combined with the building boundaries. In order to obtain realistic irradiation values for the individual buildings, the course of the sun is simulated for every hour of the year on the sloped and aligned roof surface.

Since shaded areas have a strong negative impact on the yield, their effect is also calculated for each roof. All shading caused by trees, neighboring buildings, roof structures or more distant topographical features is taken into account.

This results in a very realistic estimate of the irradiation actually available on a building, which forms the foundation for subsequent analyses and profitability calculations.

Here, the annual irradiation is used to calculate how much electricity could be generated with a photovoltaic system on the individual roofs. The results of the irradiation simulation are 98.8% consistent with the results of many years of empirical weather observations.


How can I license the data?

We offer a pay-per-use licensing model, where you only pay for the requested buildings. You will only be charged once for each building, even if multiple solar calculation variants are performed (e.g. for different modules or load profiles), unless a fundamental recalculation of the building is required due to new 3D surface data.

What is the credit system?

The pay-per-use license model is based on credits that must be booked in advance. The minimum order is 20,000 credits per year.

Usually both the data research and data maintenance efforts as well as the technical efforts for the provision and maintenance of the API are already included in the credits.

The required number of credits per queried building depends on the respective size of the building footprint and is divided into ten levels. You can decide yourself up to which roof area size the API should be available. In this way, you retain full cost control.

You have access to the API usage statistics at any time.

How much does a credit cost?

The price per credit is max. 0.25 EUR (plus VAT). The minimum purchase is 20,000 credits. You can find all other package prices here.

Technical Aspects

Is there a possibility to get the images of the module placement of the roofs via API query?

A corresponding function is currently usable in the beta phase and can be tested. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

How quickly can the API connection be made?

You can register your first test account immediately. If you need specific adjustments, the connection can be usually made within 2-3 working days.


Reach out to our experts!

If you need further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us! Our experts are at your disposal and will answer you as quickly as possible.

Write us an email gmbh
Am Kai 22
44263 Dortmund